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The Lazy Laundress - The Easiest Way to Clean your Luxxie


No one is lazier at doing laundry than me, Stefanie, co-founder of Luxxie Boston.  When developing our silk based product, I wanted to make sure the care instructions were as low maintenance as possible.  Just like you, I don't have time to run to the dry cleaners on a daily/weekly basis and would rather do a bazillion things other than laundry.

So here is the Lazy Laundress Secret to cleaning your silk based Luxxie:

Hang it in the shower with you. Then hang or lay flat to dry. Done.

The steam will take out the wrinkles and you can spot treat with a gentle shampoo and cooler water.  Then you continue world domination.  That was the whole point.  I wanted to make a product that frees you from wardrobe discomfort and other ancient notions for women.

For days you absolutely must dry clean, I just discovered Washio.  Its a mobile app available in select cities.  With a click of a button one of their "ninjas" shows up to your front door to pick up your dry cleaning, drop off a delicious cookie and return the next day with your perfectly pressed garments.  Not a bad deal at all.


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